because can not find the real love of the slightly,to learn the theory of love to find the secret recipe of love everywhere,make many people's experience been a preventure book,see others'happiness only envy to share.这是一个充满理论论述的“情感专家”性格,但往往实践能力很差,太容易被挡在墙后,从一个极端到另一个极端。
Don't think you can do anything you want just because you care.当“关心”成为焦虑、脆弱、易怒和缺乏自信的同义词时,现代的情感悲伤和男女之间的沟通障碍就不再是可以克服的了。
“fetishism of weakness”is a normal state of some women's life and emotions,but they like to show it in the most powerful way.他们的思想总是低于人的“软弱”,所以他们在行为上占据了道德制高点,压制和责备人。一个不满的人到处洒下“香林嫂子”的眼泪,说这个人多么难以忍受,“坚强”到心碎无数而伤感。
“Love is to pay do not need to return”is just a kind of self hypsionsis emotional missing,love and marriage are always two people,pay need to return,the way can be varied.但至少“我爱你”要多说几句话去做,给自己的爱定了最后期限,那些爱是不温暖的,不能等待,不能回来,你必须选择离开。
“hurt complex”is actually an excuse for women to lose self-confidence and escape from reality.每当他们谈论痛苦的时候,总是把责任推到某人身上,好像他们只是“受伤”,他们总是清白和纯洁的。以至于现在男人都神经质了,为了“不伤害”你“永远不要说”,这对女人的伤害更大。爱人们之间的交流应该更直接和透明,但是你越亲近,你越希望你的伴侣了解你的心,当你什么都不说的时候,你就越满意。但这种默契是多年婚姻难以达到的状态,我们彼此相爱并不总是清醒的,但它是一个午睡,你有一千结。当一个人遇到情绪问题时,不是试图解决他们,而是采取一些疯狂的行动,试图挽救对方,或使一个人鞠躬,或实现自己的目标,因此,不吃,不喝,不睡觉,甚至自伤等等。即使是一个真正爱你的人也会因为这种情况而感到沮丧。你不能虐待一个根本不爱你的人。
Never-dependent on love to ignore love,the more-siste love is more friable,this is not a strong or not strong thing,but love needs more care and insurance,one the writh takes root,even the surface healing will leJavae a shadow,this is the same for both men and women.男人往往会更宽容会更苗条清凉,珍惜现在是一种智慧,过去是真的会在过去。
can not meet real love,because your life is not beautiful enough,outstanding appearance level including external精致and inner talent,only when your face can闪烁迷人光环,your heart can let a person feel power,lack of it you hJavae no beautiful of life.不要以为你对自己的成长漠不关心,成熟你应该变得温柔,对整个世界温柔。