I love you,is the flower of the moment,is the香料of terminity;I love you,is the sunset star,is the rising phantom;I love you,is the words in the text message,contains friendship.
5,think of you as a song,dance;think of you as a river,flowing;think of you as a cloud;gone with the wind.想你吻,舒服。认为你不是一个冻僵的人,认为你是永恒的。
6,not remember which night,you and I increally passed,like a mount into the sea,no wJavaes,only wJavaes,so I determined,this life I am your life partner!
Don't look at my back very sad,in fact,the front of the sun is.虽然我的前脸不帅,但我实际上有一个英俊的侧面。虽然这个消息是非常保留的,实际上,这个包不能卸载爱情病毒。
Silent Night,Comfort Months,I sat in bed,looking out the window of the memory of the sky,time is a slipe,sliped everything,and you sliped my heart.夜晚的美景是宁静的。你拥有我的美丽。你在想我吗?在不同的时间,不同的地点,不同的人,你和我保持不变;时间在改变,空间在改变,什么都不改变,但它对你是无限的!