come burning a man's boat,a night into the world of light of your alonney night.你知道我的孤独只属于你,我的甜美歌曲只属于你。当我遇到麻烦时,你总是支持我!每次我感到沮丧时,我都会记得你的微笑,你的鼓励,他们让我坚强地面对,谢谢你!
night's rain fork let me find the lost past,let me and hJavae leJavae a little closer.
The sea can dry up,the stone can decay,my love for you will never change.
Not every flower can representate love,but rose can do it;Not every tree can stand dry,but aspen can;Not every pig gets a text message,but you can.不是每个人都喜欢猪,但我喜欢。
Your mood really can't replace with a sentence
always miss you,though we can't race against the clock.
at the end of a mizzed look,absort the rain and fog.
wish every meter in the sky shines for you.
What much love can there?让我们珍惜每一天。你说你的心会一直陪着我,永远不会离开我!
no your idea…我可以坚强,最后知道我不能。
Your mood can not be replaced by a sentence.
Love is a good feeling,and you know,you know,love this beautiful acchievement,I love you,thank you!愿与你携手一生,相爱相伴,相守一生!
I know there is your remote concern on the other side of the river.
I think there should be a full moon day after the rain?
ask you a bid question,if I like you,what should I do?