an hour ago,shen yi and wang floret in class,see a birthday test on the phone where the peach flowers in the game,shen yi的birthday year and month day measured is dark rub ground in the brilliant cantent.整个学校在一个食堂里,尽管它才华横溢,沈毅还是拉着王小花在课后占据了有利位置,一个炒面吃力了一个多小时。王小花顺着他指的方向看过去,转了一个白眼,她不抬头看你。沈一叶说王小华嫉妒他,他举起了王小华疯狂的小尾巴。沈毅做了一个夸张的动作,大便要打。当时他们刚高两下,王小花就把沈仪的胳膊捏了两下,她测试的是黑角咖啡店的长发和腰身。沈毅其实是一个笑话,王晓华说宋歌成绩不错,她很好,爸爸是指导处的主任,所以很多男生都喜欢不敢追,偶尔有一两个胆大妄为的人也不好好看一眼,不客气地说沈毅这热了三分钟。单打花花长子是没有前途的。沈毅自己也不觉得有什么可能,他从小学毕业就开始学着摸女孩的手,身边的女孩在这些材料里,每个学校都会有那种坏男孩,也因为小女孩真正的指挥能力会让失败者的精神相信自己。故事中,王晓华唯一不变的作为他的伙伴和他的员工,看着他作为姐妹公司也能像铁一样表面自然地不跳心来嘲笑。
shen yi returned to the classroom for a nap in the午后,the next dies also noted this stuble.过了很久,沈毅想,如果你再也见不到,也许这个年轻的想法也湮灭了,但这件事的命运总是爱在你没有准备的时候,抓一只爪子,痒你。就在沈毅那一天是母亲大人送出去买酱油的,热的一天采取两步是热成狗,甚至每天花半个小时做头发柔软的谎言容易卧倒,然而,在这个尴尬的时候遇到了尴尬的宋歌一,她买了两包女用品,是支票,然后找到了钱包,于是沈毅毫不犹豫地拿出他的零花钱帮她付了账。
that day to buy some sauce is not the mother of the designed brand,shen yi said he could not help but eat some sporters of lamb,and then was penced to was wash the bowl for two days.
The second day of shen yi morning sleep was shaked up in a daze,get up gas has not had time to send down the wang floret sign to see the back door of the classoom song song.宋松给沈毅一笔钱,非常客气地道的感谢,也许是因为前一天的尴尬,她脸上有些害羞。
The me瓜around the crowd face unknown truth,shen yi performance is very calm,in fact,the heart has been inflated not line,just like a child in front of成年人by a great-ware,back to the seat of action like a small cock of victory in battle.几天来,沈毅班一直躺在教室里,却拉着小华王杵在走廊上,有太阳在晒雨中看雨点,因为他们班的教室是上厕所的唯一途径,而宋戈每班都因故,路过沈毅时有时假装没上厕所。啊看,用周边的目光看着她匆匆忙忙,有时只是假装遇到,打招呼,宋歌虽冷光,但还是会回应。王小花总是责怪沈一脑被浇糊全傻了。沈毅也与她争执,摸了摸她的头一副深不可测的表情,王小花咬住了他的牙齿。直到新一周的升旗仪式,沈毅突然告诉王小花他要追歌,一张紧绷的脸扼住了王小花国歌的旋律。
2沈毅did not impultilly to find song song a忏悔,it is absolute a愚人的行为,he solutely said with wang floret this must be serious.他不知道从哪里弄到宋一,看看她的朋友圈除了学习就是要读一些书来分享感情,还有一个朋友圈就是,你一定比我知道得多,会理解我的。一旦一个人有了一个目标,他可能会有一个巨大的变化,特别是沈毅。他早上不再睡觉,自学到最后一节课打手机,不再是一个死掉的小花王通过课堂笔记来打你画画,我猜,不再是闲逛的兄弟去网吧大厅泡一天,不再是复制小花王工作买H。二是一个新的皮游戏,因为学校抵制早恋影响学习,如果大家都喜欢沈毅,估计老师很着急要给自己两个聚在一起为我们班的学生。当然,也有小王小花的帮助,变路的路上总是满是荆棘和小王小花的死神零散的灵魂指,每次沈毅打瞌睡,都会敲小王小花的桌子,她就会伸手去捏他,有时是背,有时是胳膊,每次他疼得喘不过气来。
Shen yi also looked for wang floret private to discus if to start somely,wang floret shake his head with a serious face,this is the only pain of love.沈毅生气地说王小花so rude is not a boyfriend,such as he chased song song must show her want to cry.
Wang Floret asked when shen yi can catch up,he said confidentially that he was waiting for the test to grade ten.王晓华无情地嘲笑他,从十岁起?沈毅也笑了,反正不吃亏,这一波还是到了尽头。其实,他一开始不知道自己的心,他也不知道自己是否能坚持到底,但每天起来,所有咬牙切齿的感觉至少今天坚持到底,然后逐渐形成了习惯。很长一段时间后,沈毅觉得,无论这段关系是好是坏,只要过程中有一些好处,那就是不输。学期末,排名出来的时候,沈毅拉着王小花站在展板前推她。沈毅38年级,宋宋37岁。让沈毅吃惊的是,虽然王小花有好的成绩,但也有50多朵,那竟突然到了12朵。
Shen yi asked wang floret if a t home to eat pig food,wang floret turned a white eye,always can't be more than the pig.申毅终于决定找宋歌认罪,虽然还没有达到年级前十名的目标,但他觉得现在是王科的资格,只是时间问题。寒假期间,他把王华拉到理发店把头发染回黑色,然后把他每天用来理发的稍长的头发剪成短发。他还不错,一下子收敛了气氛,当漫不经心变得严肃时,就有了一个聪明英俊的人。王小花拍了拍自己的肩膀,终于有人把狗模了样。
New year\ s eve shen yi through wang floret in the girls group to inquiry into the position of song song,and wang floret cult point together for an hour and a half to see people,time so long that he has to forget the neurous feeling.
Just before 12点钟,Wang Xiaohua ran to the Song Song a call to the corner of the square,Shen Yitou said can no longer dry,usually that words chasing girls see to be cut short with the hair vasted,Song Song a,I like you,do my friend.宋宋一脸惊讶,但毫不犹豫地拒绝了他,理由是没有心思爱上他。
Blood is the next second full of fireway,shen yi only see song turned and left the figure,the heart is like to be taked out of what,and like to be filled into what,side air leakage side block panic.
that night wang floret reliendly turned shen yi to eat night snack,wine after three patrol shen yi eat full drink is not so depression,he遗憾地给予watch to wang floret,wang floret gally taked over and then comfort him at least he did not hJavae the opportunity to oth急诊室。
at that time shen yi felt wang floret said right,but the fate of your face will never know in advance.
that night shen yi tuo wang floret skip class,to roast meat to drink solution qianchou.
Shen yi dripsy,pulling wang floret asked why she try to change so much,but not as her through change.王小花给了他一堆烤肉,告诉他可能被欺负过多的女孩,才因此受到报应。