our trivial list today;present and past,do not know the recurrence period;butterlies fly and stay long;spend their days together,always together;may I take your hand and drag you away!
I put down数千things,failed数千of forms,experied hardships and hardships,because you called数千of times in your previous life,I love you is true,only willy to share数千of years with you!嫁给我!!!!!!
Love is a life commitment,love is waiting for life,my care is not leasing,my care is not through the wind and rain,holding your hand,a life together.嫁给我!!!!!!!
4,meet with you in the午后of夏日黄昏,think you in early wind frost,kiss you in the green grass has been green spring,just simply ask you:let I love you life,can it?
know you,is the great honour of my life,hJavae you,is the great pride of my life,and live with you,is the great wish of my life,darling,marry me!
Firewood,warm our love.大米,来满足我们的感情。油滋润我们的爱。盐,给我们味道。嫁给我,让我们的爱,融入生活中的小事情。
,I will follow you,never放弃;数千英里远,Distance is not a problem,affective do not reduce;ten years,put you in my heart,take good care of.你愿意嫁给我吗?
sink into the bottom of miss,into the旋涡around you,browing your wind,raising the wJavaes of love you,亲爱的,I want to live with you,love,always together.嫁给我!!!!!!
11,“Marry me,I'll flush your toilet with oil,I'll bath you in a pepsi,I'll take you to work on a boeing 777.我想和你分享一切,因为我找不到另一个和我相配的女人。当你嫁给我,我将成为世界上第二幸福的人,因为你是世界上第一幸福的人!”如果我们真的结婚了,我会让你成为世界上最幸福的女人。如果我们真的结婚了,我会让你成为世界上最富有的女人。
I want to be an old man with you!我想和你一起成为一个老人!直到那时,我们的头发都变白了,我们不再年轻,如果你继续来找我,那么我是世界上最幸福的人。
17,and you in the full moon night,the wind xu come,and meteor moment永恒誓言of our love.人生真的很短暂,所以我们应该牵手,热爱生活。嫁给我!!!!!!
You are my buttery,I want to do your life legend;You are my notes,I want to be your music;hold out your hand,let me set the happiness of life for you,marry me!
You are born queer,see your wahaha smile for the first time,I like to drink sprite as cool and refreshing,like to eat vitamin c as sweet,promise me,let me be your happy human!
I give your love to the blue sky,marry the cloud to the sky;give my love to the earth,give my flowers to the grass;now I give you back my love.你愿意嫁给我吗?
You want to hear,I never speak;You want to hear this song a thousand times;Love your heart until the sea dry and the rocks break;from knounds to xiuloo,love you will never change,marry me!
Your smile,poetry,touching;Your气质,like hyacinth,quickens my heart beat;Your voice,Your笑声,burns in my heart like a flame.
let my shoulder,been the most solid support in your life;let my arm,been the most warm coat in your life;let my promise be the happest smile in your life.
like,is light love.爱是深爱。你是我爱的人。我希望我们能一起回家而不是见你回家。
25,when you see this message,you hJavae been in the very fire love venom,the only解药is to marry me,don't think,let us get married!
26,三生石刻记忆,情人谷浪漫到黄昏,百年来修复行为刷笔画和通行证,千年婚姻在这华丽,美丽的女孩,marry me.
baby,I hJavae a headpeak over my body,my legs are hungry,my toes are dizzy,my nJavael is blind.不管怎样,如果你不嫁给我,你就没有机会了!28,平凡的生活与你,你填补空白的生活,无论平静或浪漫,有你我喜欢的一天!我要送你很多美好的东西,甜蜜的梦想团聚!
FingerTip is me,Palm is you,clenched first,you and i meet,equal to strength and courage,invinceble,beat back all bumpy resistance.亲爱的,让我们一起迎接快乐的明天吧
I robbed the white horse of tang seng master,take cupid's arrow,also leJavae the old man's red rope,the purpose is only one,is to do your prince belligen,life only I associate you!
31,I like you from the first glance,I am will to along you every step,even if the wind and rain bumpy road also don't care!在感情的口袋里,我愿意为你腾出时间。你愿意嫁给我吗?
熟人是起源,相互理解是延续,together is inventive.是命运使我们走到一起。希望我们继续下去,从原点到边继续下去,从边到边继续下去,从边到边继续下去,从边到永远!
One day's fate is too short,I want to spend my life with you;I love too little,I want to be with you forever;reincarnation,you are my wealth!嫁给我!!!!!!
From left to right,love turns;forward and forward,love waities a lifetime;with you and me,love is fire.你会给我带来幸福的未来。你愿意做我的新娘吗?
do not know with a lifetime to love you,is a kind of inental.如果人生只能许一个愿,我希望上帝永远给我们一次,嫁给我!
39,You are floating in the sky of snow,I am the喜鹊bright tip;You are the wJavae of water,I am with you jumping fish;hope to meet forever.嫁给我,宝贝!
I am not a prince,no white horse,but I will give you a castle to give you a home,I am not an angel,no wings,but I will give you a heJavaen to dream,baby,marry me.