I love you the way you say I don't know you,but I want to tell you that I may not give you want,but I give you what I think is best.也许你想要完美。但我能给你的只有最真实的。每次你睡着,我都会静静地在你的床边等着;每当你想去购物,我都会慢慢地陪在你身边;每当你下班回家,我都会给你做美味的泡菜粉丝和薯片。每当深冬的夜晚,我都会陪着你。你出去散步,然后回家,我给你倒了一杯滚烫的热水,用一壶滚烫的热水洗你的脚,每当你难过的时候,我都会陪你聊两个小时。你哭的时候,我要给你宽阔的肩膀和白纸;你高兴的时候,我要给你惊喜。
I love you,I want to be with you,I leJavae you because I now lover love you,when you still love me or not,I swear I am忠诚于我的誓言,负责任的婚姻,as well as for 6 I will make up money,if I am a poor man,please allow me not to leJavae,you broked your health.从现在起,我将沿着高速公路走。
You are the most beautiful exp遇in my life,I will use my life to thank the beautiful秋季,I imaging you associate a happy day,I imaging you take care of the warm life,I imaging you smile all over the corner;holding your hand,is happiness,but also responsibility,this life hold用你的手,我们不会放手的。当你把我抱在怀里的时候,你会知道你的一切努力都会得到我生命的回报。
The hustle and light of the world,世俗的幸福和幸福,such as clear flow,in the wind,in front of my eyes,guru secret,warm as water,I did not think,I want you to be happy,not sad.有时候我真的想忘记你,只记得这个世界,但是,我经常忘记整个世界,只记得你。当你难过的时候,我想和你在一起,尽力让你微笑。我不知道认识你是对还是错,但我知道认识你很高兴。
You are the most beautiful butterfly in the sky,let me gazing scene,is a稀有magic,with my care,with my solid,easy to fly.你是世界上最迷恋的蝴蝶,在温暖的春风中,轻轻地低语,把我的爱带给你,飞越薄雾,终于拥有了永远的辉煌。在熟悉的街道上漫步,你仍然熟悉护理,found you,found my journey of life in the beautiful,beautiful journey.我仍然爱你,即使我再给你一次爱的机会,我也会给你一个庄严的承诺。是爱的选择,让我回到爱你的起源,遇见今生,是一个奇迹,我不会放弃爱的神秘,和这个美丽的领带。