2,So many years,I hJavae been looking for the ideal love,but no one can like you in the first time moved me,but more and more moved.在你孤独悲伤的日子里,请轻声说出我的名字。说:有些人想念我,在这个世界上我活在一个人的心里。
4,在忙碌的工作中,请接受我最真诚的真诚与祝福;may my祝福消除白天工作带来的疲劳;may happiness and joy follow you wherewhere you go.在爱的世界里,我什么都没有,也什么都不知道,在情感站里,我希望你是第一个访客,总是主人,并且我宠坏了我together;the rest of my life!
I can meet someone in a minute,just as I can meet someone in a hour,and fall in love with someone in a day,but it will take me a lifetime to forget you.遇见你是命运,爱上你是我无法控制的。
8,hJavae your happiness at easy,really infactuated with you,discuse about you love dearly,also one said infactuation,dare not change my mind,do not dis疑,write out I am very discused,most害怕you are not intential.
9,to send you a rose fally too expensive,to send you comfort but did not learn,to send you a ring fally still in the safe,had to send you a message,purse hope we will never blow.网络术语<
Just like a person,there is no pain.爱一个人,可能有很长的时间的痛苦,但他给了我幸福,也是世界上最大的幸福。
The reason why I live now,is to be able to say to you at this moment,I love you,I will always be behind you to protect you.
I make a wish in front of the buddha,hopping to been a small tree,standing on the road you pass every day.我把我的爱和思想放在树枝上,希望有一天你会爱上我!
we should miss every day,but don't meet every day.我照顾美丽,你照顾金钱。你可以爱一个人,但不要让我知道,如果我遇到,嗯…面条的鼠药!
I want to say to you,in my heart,you are everything to me,I do not ask you to hJavae the same love for me,just want to get your comfort and understanding.
I love the moon,love it pure,love it bright,love it round.我非常爱你。我非常爱你。
16,I love you…为了你的幸福,我愿意放弃一切,包括你。
天气预报:今晚到明天早上有点想念你,is expected to continue to miss you in the午后,affected by this low mood,the win晚will been a big storm to think,mood will drop 5 degrees,is expected to continue to see you this kind of weather.
The saddest distance in the world is between two people far away,do not know each other,through one day,they know,love,distance becomes very close.然后有一天,不再相爱,曾经非常亲近的两个人,变得遥远,甚至比以前更远。
holding your hand,holding your hand day and night,waiting for明日,holding your hand,in this life,holding your hand,live forever.
Do you know?这几天没见你,我也没心情自杀:我试图用面条吊死自己,用豆腐砸我的头,用棉花割断我的血管,用可乐毒死我,用降落伞跳下一栋楼!
22,you know?爱你并不容易。当我陶醉在爱的世界里,享受着甜蜜的爱,也让我深深体会到“爱一个人真的很难”。
25,the day without you,not blue!没有你,花就不明亮。没有你,就没有食物,就没有香味!没有你就睡吧,不是甜蜜的!亲爱的,你为什么不回来?
Lonelation is not born,but in the moment you fall in love with a person.不是每一朵花都能代表爱,而是玫瑰;不是每一棵树都能经得起风雨,而是白杨能经得起风雨;不是每只猪都能得到一个文本,但是你能。不是每个人都喜欢猪,但我喜欢。不是爱让我快乐,而是爱你。宝贝,我爱你,就像老鼠爱大米,你是天空中的凤凰飞啊飞,我是地上的野狗追啊追,我不打你不骂你,我用感情折磨你。
baby:recently I hJavae a toache,because I always miss you at night,the feeling is too sweet,it will rot.
You dream during the day and dream at night.如果你偶尔打喷嚏,那意味着我想你!
Love makes people forget time,time also makes people forget love.