because I love you so much,so I stand by.虽然我的身体让你离开,但我的心没有离开。今天我找到勇气说我爱你。你是我忙碌生活中唯一吸引我的人。你们都在我的长命里。
I want to be blind,I don't want to see anything,but I just want to see you,as long as my eyes can see you is enough.
Silent Phone with Lights,Lonely Chest Holding Cold Arms.透过耀眼的眼睛,只有一颗固执的心,还在顽强地等待着你爱的回声。
腮红,黑发;白嘴唇,白牙齿;橙酸,咸海;love is continuous,think you are sweet;read you is long,love you is long.
You are a s warm as spring,as beautiful as summer flowers,as pure as秋天clouds,as dazzing as winter plum,hJavae your four seasons,the world becomes not general,valentine's day is coming,I want to say to you,with your company,I am not alone
if I hJavae a magic lamp,I will hJavae三次许愿。但我只需要一个!我会许下这样一个愿望:我要你无数的来世,而你热情地爱着十万个世纪!
if I am a camber,I hope you are the fire,I am will to burn for you,to light your future road;if I am a fish,I hope you are the sea,even if you do not feel my wears,but at least I am in your heart.
Time passes,life drombles,mottled tree shadow,a little love.我希望当我们老了,我们仍然可以握着手指,走过人生的十字路口。因为牵手,不会轻易放手。在爱的世界里,我什么都没有,也不知道什么,在情感站里,我希望你是第一个访客,总是主人,和我的宠物我;我的余生!
I want you to come close to me,come close to me,hold me,lean on me,hold me,kiss me;I want you to love me,I will heart and you snuggle together,at this time you will find that you and I are the most beautiful screen in life.
Looking for you in the crowd,like all the sand on the beach,earch to find your traces,if not from the desirement to hJavae another life.
I like to be with you,but I am not sure,finally I will not leJavae you;the choice is right,times escape;which willy to give up,but times unvoluntary;let me lend you my love.
is willy to be the wind,happiness is the sail,happiness is the boat,the wind is willy to blow happy sail,carding the ship of happiness,floating to the forever happy you.当我终于停止接近你时,我突然意识到,如果我能看着你,听你说话,那就足够了。
I know,I can't be with you.我知道,我能做的就是想你。你开心吗?你开心吗?我默默地祝福你。
I will always remember that days with you.快乐,快乐,快乐,失落,悲伤,痛苦的日子。非常想你,非常想你。
You ask I love you how deep,I can't say,just know you hJavae been my life habit,necessary habit,every night,can't eat,can't sleep,but can't miss you.
Not much wind,not much rain,not much lightning can stop my feelings for you.无论你爱不爱我,我都愿意为你遮风挡雨,让你感到安逸、快乐,让我挑起所有的重担!
if the garden is as safe in your heart as I give it to you,then I can assurate you that it will never go away!无论你想去哪里,无论你想做什么,我都会祝福你。除非你不想去,否则花园和我将永远留在那里,因为我们同意作为一个家庭度过余生,对吗?
marriage is visible,love is visible;greetings are visible,care is visible.但我爱你,这很明显。
see others in pairs,the heart can not help but let you aftertaste.想念你我不睡觉,想念你我的身心憔悴,爱上你无论我做错什么,忘记你我真的不会。亲爱的宝贝:你是我生命中最好的!