that night,when wu wei is about to see tan yang,赵鹏程found the luides of xu kui,and want wu wei to come over to check,but also can't disorder tan yang them,because of this matter,incorporated in tan yang's brother-in-law,so tan yang must Javaoint.谭杨在宾馆等了很长时间,没等吴伟的消息,却不小心来到韩倩。
in the face of han qian忏悔,tan yang had to put the heart out,he said he likes wu wei,hope han qian retain.
in the brother-in-law's劝说,tan yang determined to immediately wu wei忏悔,hope wu wei can understand his mind.吴伟的时候,徐奎正在寻找线索,而唯一的线索,就是指向谭杨的姐夫。谭杨向吴伟表达爱意是不恰当的。
In tan yang's heart,wu wei is like himself,he also like wu wei,so he plat the忏悔as a matter of course,he felt that wu wei must be able to promise themself.在武威的心里,她也很像谭杨,但关于徐奎的线索,涉及到谭杨的姐夫,而徐奎是他父亲的敌人,所以谭杨必须避免。吴薇明白她现在不能和谭杨在一起,也不能让爱影响她的判断力。她希望有一天,谭杨能理解她。不是所有的邂逅都会坠入爱河,不是所有的爱都能在一起。我希望他们能尽快抓住徐奎,让谭杨和吴伟,不能停在一起。这篇文章由愚蠢的企鹅原创,欢迎关注,带你一起长知识!女孩子向男孩子表白