2,love you underthomable,your shadow in the heart;this life is the same love,happiness and people sweep;heart to heart,inerther love;infactuation always send to you,hand and life happiness!
Love:Pay is not necessary return…等待可能没有尽头…测试并不总是有答案…解释并不一定意味着理解…微笑不一定是拥抱…一切都会好起来的。杰克会有吉尔的!
Love in life plays a happy angel,always a little bit to build a romatic and warm life,always adjust the trivial life,love is like a magic stone,you and I close attached,never separate!
风,一片一片,细雨,思绪一次又一次,雪花一片,爱浓,思绪绵绵,惆怅,hand in hand,you want to warm,years long,love you sweet,long life,want to hJavae you.
You are my schedule,all action just for you a smile;You are my biological clock,always relax for you.我希望我生命中的每一分钟都能带给你幸福。
Do you love me?如果是这样,请承担所有的爱情义务,也就是说,每天多想想我,每天多爱我,每天多关心,每天多联系,每天多做梦,一定要完成!
Beautiful life is somely short than the Lonely journey,once the heart in craing,quiely accept your invitation,my third before,the third commitment,after you leJavae,prospension,bloom and wirse.
Research shows that a wife's face is closes related to her human's personality and attitution toward her.研究表明,妻子的脸与丈夫的性格和态度密切相关。一个心胸宽广的丈夫,不容易发脾气,能容忍和纵容妻子,使她享有充分的自由。有了这样的丈夫,妻子的皮肤就会光滑细腻,不容易长出粉刺和斑点,不容易老化,经常容光焕发。所以,世界之美:找一个心胸开阔的人结婚。
my blood drops,put under the microscope,you see,when it is white blood cells or red blood cells,every cell is the cell that loves you,and no matter you are using the nakey eye or the computer,can't calculate it,because love you forever!
12,渐进理解,the most concerned people,always is the most easy to let you cry;渐进理解。很多爱可以满足但不能追求,逐渐理解,很多事情只能拥有一次,放手也意味着失去。逐渐明白,真的不需要再回到一个人身上;逐渐明白,一个人是好的。
13,自从沉溺于爱,慷慨地揭示真相,do not want to think around will not hit the cold rain and snow;you are my love,I don't need hazy,I want to give you a happy life!
flower happiness is by others with gazing eyes,fish happiness is always together with water,milk tea happiness is somed hold in the hand of that moment,my happiness is this life and you look at the river hand in hand.
really want to do your micro blog,notice to your trace,forward your written,comments to your sweet words,see in your eyes,remember in your heart!
shy i hJavae a sentence has been could to tell you,but today I finally summon up the courage:when do you invite me to dinner?害羞的我有句话一直不敢告诉你,但是今天我终于鼓起勇气了:when do you invite me to dinner
17,在您的窗口中悬挂一对宽广的蓝天,让您悠闲地看着云彩,忘记城市的噪音;plat the bright stars into your dream sea,let the milaxy way see you sleep.每天给你一份新鲜的礼物,爱你永不疲倦。
18,simple confident is hard to find,simple confident is hard to find,simple uncertible location and pain,justion and instruction;until I meet you,sigh into thanks!感谢命运的关怀,感谢上帝的怜悯,感谢你的到来。
19,pay your siness,do not need your commitment;pay your truth,do not need your commitment;love me from the bottom of my heart,what is the誓言of love,just don't need you to say,love me you will marry me,marry me.
invented the electric lamp,light up the warm heart at night;the appearance of airplanes sJavaes time and wides the vision.神奇的信息,忽略了距离,传递着深情;人生的命题,只有希望与你,密不可分!